Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I am sorry to inform you that I've created a new and wonderful blog. You can go here to get to it:
Aubrei R. Albin
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July!!!
Hope every is having a great day thus far! I plan on hanging with my beau and my Fam Bam. Looking forward to good food, great conversation, sun and some fireworks. :) I'll be blogging tomorrow to let you in on what I've been up to for the past few months. Let freedom ring! Be safe and enjoy! XO
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Friday, May 4, 2012
God made Cabernet Sauvignon, whereas the Devil made Pinot Noir
"Close friends contribute to our personal growth. They also contribute to our personal pleasure, making the music sound sweeter, the wine taste richer, and the laughter ring louder because they are there." ~ Judith Viorst
Monday, April 23, 2012
A kiss to build a dream on....
Hope everyone is having a great Monday full of sunshine and love. XOXOXO <3
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you cab appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
~Marilyn Monroe
A kiss to Build a Dream on ~Louis Armstrong <3
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Want me to throw a lasso around the moon....
It's that time of the year again, and you know what that means! Sitting once again single on your couch, with tissues all around you, stuffing chocolate in your face and watching the classic Notebook, wishing you had someone to cling to. For some it's the opposite. And why shouldn't it be! As girls in grade school, we spend our days daydreaming of Valentine's Day after the Christmas and New Year's Eve Holidays pass. We wish the boy we had our eye on would get us a card or write us a letter that confesses his undying love. And we wait patiently at our desk to see if he sent us flowers. Television advertisements and romantic movies glorify this so called "holiday" to plant a seed in our fragile young minds from the very beginning. But why shouldn't it be like When Harry met Sally, or It Happened One Night? Why shouldn't it be like a 1940's black and white movie where we are swept off our feet and ride off into the sunset? Even Disney movies hype it up that we get to live happily ever after. In pretty much every movie! So there is no way of getting around it, we were doomed from the start. Let's face it, this day does not make single people feel any better about "love". How about instead of putting so much thought about being in love with another individual or actually being in a relationship, we focus on just LOVE in general. For instance, I love my new laptop. I love the guy at the Starbucks for making such an amazing latte. I love the person who held the door open for me today. I love that even though it is somewhat raining out, the beauty of the sound and smell of the rain makes up for it being so shitty out. I especially love, the people I have in my life and the things that make me…well, ME. So wipe away that grim look on your face and go do something for you. Or maybe for someone else who wouldn't expect it. Don't do it out of expecting something in return, do it because making someone happy (including yourself), is more gratifying then waiting for something to happen. Even if it is just holding the door open or giving a smile, that small gesture will go along way.
Happy BELATED Valentine's Day!!
Love, Aubrei
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Love cannot be loved without "le singing"...
And February is not the month of love without CUPID! Awe... February. My favorite month of the year (besides October), with so many things going on. We get to enjoy a few holidays:
I also have many friends and family with birthdays during this months so I'm jammed packed with lots of productive things to do. But then again, February wouldn't be a great month without LOVE. Put on your rose colored glasses because you have a pass to fall deeply in love, helplessly and unconditionally!! Weather it's with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, husband/ wife, someone you don't know or just met, Or even yourself. Let the love in and enjoy the passion in the air.
- Groundhogs Day
- Lincoln's Birthday
- Valentines Day
- Presidents Day
I also have many friends and family with birthdays during this months so I'm jammed packed with lots of productive things to do. But then again, February wouldn't be a great month without LOVE. Put on your rose colored glasses because you have a pass to fall deeply in love, helplessly and unconditionally!! Weather it's with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, husband/ wife, someone you don't know or just met, Or even yourself. Let the love in and enjoy the passion in the air.
Happy 1st of February!!!!
Luvs & Hugs!
Aubrei R. Albin
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
~C.S. Lewis
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
~C.S. Lewis
Monday, January 23, 2012
When your smiling.. the whole world smiles with you.....
I received the most insightful advice last night from a very dear person to my heart. I was upset about something that I was going through; crying and venting about my problems to this individual as if they were a priest and I was in the confession booth. At the end, I said in embarrassment, "I'm sorry you had to hear about my sad and pathetic life." He smiled and said to me with his kind eyes "Aubrei, you have such an amazing life, full of adventure and people who love you very much. I know you are feeling like your world is being crushed but it will get better. They say that your 20's is the most depressing time in your life because you're still trying to figure out who you are and what its all about. Right now you feel hopeless but tomorrow is a new day. Think of it this way....'' he paused and then looked deep into my eyes, ''Your 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s are suppose to be the best times of your life because by then you have matured and learned to be around people who are like-minded. You'll eventually get married and have kids who will have kids of there own. And these emotions you are feeling will all be behind you. So smile, because you're a quarter through your life. You have so much more to experience and it has only just began." At that moment, I realized I had been so caught up in my emotions, that I let all my problems get the best of me. Maybe I was just due for a good cry. But the ending effect of this comment had such an impact, that all night, as I slept (or tried to), as my dreams allowed my to fantasize of what to come.
Now..... I sit at my laptop, with a wonderful feline on my lap purring away and all the ambitious goals I only temporary put on hold, rushing back to me. The sun shines gracefully upon the trees outside and the wind moves the branches, as if they are swaying to the music from the neighbor below. And like my post said last week; regardless of what happen the day before, only think of good things happening. Because today is a new day.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Aubrei R. Albin
Another great piece of advice I try to live by:
"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." ~Elizabeth Taylor.
Now..... I sit at my laptop, with a wonderful feline on my lap purring away and all the ambitious goals I only temporary put on hold, rushing back to me. The sun shines gracefully upon the trees outside and the wind moves the branches, as if they are swaying to the music from the neighbor below. And like my post said last week; regardless of what happen the day before, only think of good things happening. Because today is a new day.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Aubrei R. Albin
Another great piece of advice I try to live by:
"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." ~Elizabeth Taylor.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Say cheeeeeeeeese!
Here is just a little thing I'd like my readers to do for today. Start by trying an experiment; If you've already started your day, no worries, you can still start now. As you go about your daily routine, make sure you smile at everyone you come across. Even if it's that one person you work with that you can't stand. A smile at a stranger can go along way. And as you start to see that you are making others happy, you yourself will have a change inside you. Expect good things to happen no matter what occurred the day before. Bottling things up will only make things messy. Don't you agree? So let go of all the hostility, all the worries of your past and those "problems" that seem to distract you from the things that are right in front you that we take for granted. Instead of pondering on that "problem" like its an ambiguous test, focus on one thing you can do to make your day better. Being optimistic can be good sometimes. And if you take at least one step towards resolving it, eventually there will be a solution.
~Aubrei Albin
What I told a friend yesterday: "Do you realize your joy affects the entire world? To begin with when you are in joy you don’t inflict negativity on anybody, which means you don’t harm anybody. But more than that your joy touches those around you, then it touches those around them, and so it continues rippling out touching one person after another. You are one person but YOU have the power to affect the entire world!" – Rhonda Byrne
~Aubrei Albin
What I told a friend yesterday: "Do you realize your joy affects the entire world? To begin with when you are in joy you don’t inflict negativity on anybody, which means you don’t harm anybody. But more than that your joy touches those around you, then it touches those around them, and so it continues rippling out touching one person after another. You are one person but YOU have the power to affect the entire world!" – Rhonda Byrne
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Easter has come early!!!!
I've been reading this book lately to help enhance my creativity. One of the exercises I'd like to share with you is called, "Incubate a New Project." I happen to have a TON of projects I am working on. ADHD...I don't think so. Ambitious.... VERY. This exercise is not only easy, but its fun.
What you'll need:
1. a bag of plastic Easter eggs (dozen)
2. twelve slips of small paper
3. a pen or marker
How it works:
1. On each slip, write down an idea of something you've been wanting to do for awhile. These ideas could be for example, "Learn how to grow herbs.", "Take a cooking class" or maybe "Run a marathon."
2. Once you have written on a slip, fold it up and put it in its own individual egg.
3. Here, you have two options. A) Hide the eggs were you'll regularly run into them. Example: Car, laundry basket, office, freezer, ect. or B) Put them in a basket or bowl. Once a week, take one egg and say yes to which ever creative idea you pick.
Not only will you get that pesky TO DO list out of the way, but you open up to being more open minded and creative in your daily life. This could also be a great idea for your bucket list and doing this in moderation, once a month. Hope you have fun and enjoy!!!
If you like this book and would like to purchase it, click this link>>> The Creativity Book by Eric Maisel
Luvs, Aubrei
Feel free to comment below or if you have any suggestions or ideas for post, emial me at Thanks!!!
"Each conquest of distance reveals greater distance." Martin Marty
What you'll need:
1. a bag of plastic Easter eggs (dozen)
2. twelve slips of small paper
3. a pen or marker
How it works:
1. On each slip, write down an idea of something you've been wanting to do for awhile. These ideas could be for example, "Learn how to grow herbs.", "Take a cooking class" or maybe "Run a marathon."
2. Once you have written on a slip, fold it up and put it in its own individual egg.
3. Here, you have two options. A) Hide the eggs were you'll regularly run into them. Example: Car, laundry basket, office, freezer, ect. or B) Put them in a basket or bowl. Once a week, take one egg and say yes to which ever creative idea you pick.
Not only will you get that pesky TO DO list out of the way, but you open up to being more open minded and creative in your daily life. This could also be a great idea for your bucket list and doing this in moderation, once a month. Hope you have fun and enjoy!!!
If you like this book and would like to purchase it, click this link>>> The Creativity Book by Eric Maisel
Luvs, Aubrei
Feel free to comment below or if you have any suggestions or ideas for post, emial me at Thanks!!!
"Each conquest of distance reveals greater distance." Martin Marty
Monday, January 9, 2012
And Now Let's Welcome The New Year....
...... Full of things that have never been.
Oh my goodness! It's been 6 months since I've written??! Well, I must say, a lot has happened since July. But instead of reminiscing of the past, let us look forward into the future. What better way to start a new year by starting with a clean slate? This blog was created so that, as a writer and aspiring author, I can get my best stuff out there and express to the world what goes on inside this very creative and active mind of mine. I will be sharing with you writing exercises, quotes, book reviews, creative stories, helpful advice for the everyday woman and things that make me happy that I think you'll enjoy. Please feel free to comment on my post. If you have any questions, or would like to request something for me to write about, feel free to contact me. Thanks!!! And look for my next post later today.
Luvs, Aubrei
Live, Laugh, Love. ♥
Oh my goodness! It's been 6 months since I've written??! Well, I must say, a lot has happened since July. But instead of reminiscing of the past, let us look forward into the future. What better way to start a new year by starting with a clean slate? This blog was created so that, as a writer and aspiring author, I can get my best stuff out there and express to the world what goes on inside this very creative and active mind of mine. I will be sharing with you writing exercises, quotes, book reviews, creative stories, helpful advice for the everyday woman and things that make me happy that I think you'll enjoy. Please feel free to comment on my post. If you have any questions, or would like to request something for me to write about, feel free to contact me. Thanks!!! And look for my next post later today.
Luvs, Aubrei
Live, Laugh, Love. ♥
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