Hello there!!! Yes, I've been gone for awhile but I am back. A lot has been going on in my life. My grandmother was in the hospital due to respiratory problems. I was finishing school. And added new improvements to my home. Now that I am a little grounded I am able to at least leave a little something on my blog for you to enjoy. But I do have a lot going on this next week. I am meeting with a new tutor for Spanish and starting new sessions with my personal trainer on Tuesday. Lunch with my friend JB at the Four Seasons restaurant, Art; an author reading called
The Off Hour on Wednesday. And a lot of reading.
I am currently reading:
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, M. D.
The Memory Bible: An innovative strategy for keeping your brain young by Gary Small, M. D.
Two amazing books to enhance my way of thinking or approaching things. So hopefully, I will have many interesting things to share with you.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Luvs, Hugs & Kisses!
Brei <3