I recently just got two kittens from my mother. She found 8 of them on her property in a tree stump. I hesitated to get a cat, but she said she had a black, male kitten that was very sweet. Perfect! Free kitten! Well, when I got to her place, there were two. A brother and a sister. Of course, my first thought was, "I can't afford to take them both." My second thought was, "If I separate them, I risk the chance of them not only of immense loneliness and mental cat problems later but I would feel so bad." So out of the kindness of my heart and motherly instincts, I naturally took them both. Now I am a 'mother' to a 9 month old puppy, Francois and two black month old kittens, Chanel and Lucas (Jacques was his original name, but I found myself calling him Lucas instead, he looks like one). So here I am with 3 pets, the 4th one coming soon. A fish. No worries. I can handle it. Plus, I figured, if you get a dog you have to get a cat then you have to get a fish for the cat. I don't know. Just sounds like the right thing to do. My last fish was killed by a drunk idiot who put beer in his fish tank while i wasn't looks. She said she thought he needed a drink and was also angry at him for killing (eating) my pet snail, Gary. Hmmm... Idiot.
Moving along...
I wanted to recommend for the pet lovers out there some tips, places to take your pet, and if your going out of town spots to keep them if you don't have a sitter. Most of these sites are located in the Seattle area. But you can easily google all in your area.
I recommend taking your dog to on of these parks from Exploredog. My favorites to take mine to are: Magnuson Park because it's huge and volunteer park because it's right outside my front door.
Off leash parks are tricky though. So make sure your dog has all their shots.
Downtown dog lounge is by far my favorite place to take my dog. He love it there. Just a little DL just from them. "Downtown Dog Lounge is devoted to the well-being and socialization of your four-legged family member. All DDL locations have dog daycare and dog boarding 7 days a week including 24/7 supervision. We also feature full service dog grooming salons at each of our locations. We have a variety of dog training classes as well as one-on-one sessions with our on-staff dog trainers. Check out or dog daycare, boarding, grooming and training pages for more information on our services and package options available." See.
Pet Stores: I love going to MudBay. They have everything. They are friendly, convenient and always has the best stuff for your pet. Petco is also another place I go if I am trying to save. A lot of daycare or grooming place will have coupons for both of these places. For food, I recommend giving your dog either Natural Balance or Dogwell. They are the best and your pet will love you more than ever.
• Make sure your pets water bowls are always full.
• Take them out regularly. They can't just get up and excuse themselves to the restroom when ever they need to tinkle. It's part of your responsibility to take them out.
• Exercise is very important. Take them for runs, swimming or a simple game of fetch for 20-30 minutes twice a day.
• Love your pet. Show them that they are appreciated. Praise them with treats and toys. A happy pet= a happy you.
I hope that this is helpful. I didn't put too much on cats because I just got them but I love cats more. Shhhh Don't tell the pooch. *wink* So if you think I am missing something in this blog or have any questions, feel free to comment. Meow for now. XO
"You can't help that. We're all mad here." - The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland